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Meet John

Senator Cornyn believes that the first duty of government is to protect and defend individual liberty. He believes in a strong national defense and works to ensure that all our men and women in uniform have the tools and resources they need to win America’s wars, deter the enemies of freedom, and respond to any threat.

Senator Cornyn believes government must not pick winners and losers in the marketplace, but instead ensure maximum opportunity for everyone to participate in the next chapter of American economic expansion. He champions low taxes, sensible regulation, and open markets for America’s workers, farmers, and ranchers.

Defending Our Values our Majority Values Majority

Senator John Cornyn is joined by over 3,000 Texans and conservative leaders from around the country in his fight to defend our Texas values, protect the Lone Star State from the Far-Left, and keep our strong majority in the U.S. Senate.

The Latest from Team Cornyn